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Top-Quality Earthbag rolls for Sale – Build Sustainably

Welcome to our collection of earthbag rolls for sale, where durability meets eco-friendliness. Our earthbag rolls are carefully crafted to meet the highest standards of quality and sustainability, making them the perfect choice for environmentally-conscious builders and DIY enthusiasts.

Earthbags, also known as sandbags or earth-filled bags, offer a unique and sustainable approach to construction with a range of benefits. Here’s a detailed look at some of the key advantages of using earthbags:

1. Environmental Sustainability

  • Low Carbon Footprint: Earthbags use locally sourced, natural materials, significantly reducing the carbon footprint compared to conventional building materials.
  • Reduced Energy Consumption: The thermal mass of earthbags helps in maintaining indoor temperature, leading to lower energy use for heating and cooling.
  • Eco-Friendly: They don’t require the burning of fossil fuels for manufacturing, unlike bricks or cement.

2. Cost-Effectiveness

  • Affordable Materials: Earthbags primarily use earth, which is often freely available and inexpensive.
  • Lower Labor Costs: Earthbag building can be labor-intensive, but it doesn’t necessarily require skilled labor, which can reduce construction costs.

3. Durability and Strength

  • Resilient: Earthbags are known for their durability and can withstand harsh weather conditions, including high winds and earthquakes.
  • Long-Lasting: When properly constructed and maintained, earthbag buildings can last for many years, similar to traditional homes.

4. Versatility in Design

  • Flexible Shapes: Earthbags can be easily shaped to create a variety of architectural designs, from traditional to contemporary.
  • Adaptability: They can be used for a range of structures, including homes, sheds, retaining walls, and emergency shelters.

5. Thermal and Acoustic Insulation

  • Excellent Insulation: The dense composition of earthbags provides good thermal insulation, keeping interiors cool in summer and warm in winter.
  • Soundproofing Qualities: Earthbag walls are thick and dense, offering effective sound insulation.

6. Fire Resistance

  • Inherent Fireproofing: Earthbag buildings have a high level of fire resistance due to the non-flammable nature of the materials used.

7. Ease of Building

  • DIY-Friendly: Earthbag construction can be a feasible DIY project, making it accessible for individuals wanting to build their own homes.
  • Community Building: The construction process can foster community involvement and skill-sharing.

8. Safety and Health

  • Non-Toxic: Earthbags do not emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or other harmful substances, ensuring healthier indoor air quality.
  • Pest Resistance: Unlike wood, earthbags are not susceptible to termites or other pests.

9. Recyclability and Biodegradability

  • Environmentally Conscious Disposal: At the end of their lifecycle, the materials used in earthbags can be recycled or will biodegrade, minimizing environmental impact.

10. Water Resistance

  • With proper plastering and maintenance, earthbag buildings can be highly resistant to water damage.


The use of earthbags in construction offers a harmonious balance between environmental sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and practicality. It’s an innovative approach that is gaining popularity in both rural and urban settings, especially among those looking to reduce their ecological footprint and embrace a more sustainable lifestyle.

Order your earthbags now

Ready to start your sustainable project with our top-quality earthbag rolls? Browse our selection and order today.

How to Use Earthbags

Using earthbag rolls in construction is a unique and sustainable method that involves creating structures by stacking bags filled with earthen materials. Here’s a guide on how to use earthbag rolls effectively:

Materials Needed

  • Earthbag Rolls: Long, tubular bags usually made of sturdy polypropylene or burlap.
  • Fill Material: Typically soil with a mix of sand, clay, and a small amount of cement for stabilization.
  • Barbed Wire: Used between layers for added stability.
  • Tamper: For compacting the fill material.
  • Sealer/Plaster: To protect the exterior.

Steps for Using Earthbag Rolls

1. Foundation Preparation

  • Prepare a solid, level foundation. A rubble trench foundation is commonly used for earthbag buildings.
  • Lay a waterproof barrier (like a damp-proof course) to prevent rising damp.

2. Filling the Bags

  • Mix the soil with the right proportion of sand, clay, and cement. The ideal mix will depend on the soil type.
  • Fill the bags with the earthen mixture. Ensure they are not overfilled; the bags should still be malleable.
  • Use a tamper to compact the material inside the bags.

3. Laying the Bags

  • Lay the earthbag rolls in courses (layers), staggering the seams like in bricklaying.
  • Each layer should be narrower than the one below it, creating a slight inward slope for stability.
  • Trim any excess bag material and tuck it under the roll.

4. Using Barbed Wire

  • Place a double strand of barbed wire between each course. This helps to lock the bags together and adds tensile strength.

5. Tamping

  • After laying each course, tamp down the bags to ensure a tight fit and to flatten the top surface, making it ready for the next layer.

6. Building Openings

  • For door and window openings, use wooden or metal forms to shape the openings. Remove the forms once the surrounding bags are firmly set.

7. Creating Curves and Domes

  • Earthbag rolls are ideal for constructing curved walls and domes. Gradually adjust the angle of the bags to create the desired curvature.

8. Finishing Touches

  • Once the walls are up, apply a durable sealer or plaster to protect against weather and moisture. Traditional plasters or lime-based finishes are often used.
  • For added insulation, apply an insulating layer before the final plaster.

9. Roofing

  • If you’re not building a dome, install a conventional or green roof on top of the structure.

10. Finishing Interior

  • Apply natural plasters or other suitable materials to finish the interior walls.

Tips for Success

  • Test Soil: Before starting, test your soil composition to ensure it’s suitable for earthbag construction.
  • Consider Climate: Adapt your design and materials to suit your local climate.
  • Plan for Drainage: Ensure proper drainage around the structure to protect it from water damage.

Safety and Legal Considerations

  • Follow Local Regulations: Check local building codes and permits.
  • Safety Gear: Use gloves, dust masks, and other appropriate safety gear during construction.


Using earthbag rolls is not just about building structures; it’s about embracing an eco-friendly, cost-effective approach to construction. The flexibility of this method allows for creative, resilient, and energy-efficient buildings that are well-suited to a variety of environments.

Order your earthbags now

Ready to start your sustainable project with our top-quality earthbag rolls? Browse our selection and order today.